Video 32: Kathryn Schulz, I am free to be wrong!

Shiraz @ Golden InspirationsExtraordinary Videos, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

Kathryn Schulz is a journalist, author and public speaker whose freelance writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Nation, Foreign Policy, and The Boston Globe, among other publications. She is known as world’s leading “Wrongologist”. She was a 2004 recipient of the Pew Fellowship in International Journalism (now the International Reporting Project), and has reported … Read More

Video 31: Sheetal Jain, Do you want to design a dream relationship?

Shiraz @ Golden InspirationsExtraordinary Videos, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

There are two videos in this playlist. Second video will automatically start after first ends. This video is a part of our newly launched Absolute Freedom Home Study Course. To know more about this course click here. Do you want to design a dream relationship? We are defined by the relations we have in our lives. Relationships can make or … Read More

Video 30: Sheetal Jain, Are You Ready To Go Against Society?

Shiraz @ Golden InspirationsExtraordinary Videos, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

There are two videos in this playlist. Second video will automatically start after first ends. This video is a part of our newly launched Absolute Freedom Home Study Course. To know more about this course click here. We all crave for freedom. We all want freedom. You are sitting inside a room for 2 hours, you have no problem, because … Read More