Special Offer Of The Month Below!
LOA Advance Workshop Schedule
[cs_global_blocks block=”2047″]ABOUT GOLDEN INSPIRATIONS
We are India’s oldest and most respected law of attraction training company. We have been delivering live workshops and seminars across India for over a decade. After experimenting with this law for over a decade with more than 120 trainers worldwide, we have created an easy to learn workshop, which is one of the best in the world.
What exactly is Law Of Attraction?
In simple words, it means, whatever you “Think” becomes a reality in your life. The law of attraction is a Law of Universe just like Law of Gravity and it is as powerful as any other universal law. To relate that in our own lives, we attract experiences and consequences in our life related to the thoughts in our Mind. Therefore, you can use this law to attract whatever you desire into your life.
Warning: We all unknowingly use Law Of Attraction to attract things that we do not want in our lives.
We want to train you the correct ways to attract whatever you Want in your life in detail, which is why we conduct a workshop so that you can immediately benefit from the use of Law of Attraction in your lives.
Some of our powerful trainers








Topics included in the workshop?
- Introduction to Law Of Attraction
- How thoughts affect & trigger Law Of Attraction
- 68 Seconds Pure Thought concept
- Emotional Guidance System – How to use your inner guidance system to guide you in every step of your life
- Money Blueprint – How to attract money in life
- Mind Levels – Deeper understanding of how our mind works and how can we control our thoughts
- How to avoid being a victim and take charge of our life
- How to develop an attitude of gratitude towards everything/everyone
- Learn how to visualize
- How to forgive everyone and how it can improve your life
- The power of intention and how to use it for your good
- How to create a vision board which attracts everything you want in your life
- Special Meditation Exercises to strengthen your Intuition, Visualization & Attraction
- Quantum Physics – Scientific explanation of Law Of Attraction and how it works.
Plus much more…
This workshop is all you need, to become an expert at Law Of Attraction
Pricing For This Workshop
Remember: Workshop fees will be your investment on yourself for life!
Special Offer Of The Month Below!
The More the merrier
This is a limited time offer. You can avail this offer only if you make full payment before end of this month.
Offer Details:
Register 1 Seat With 15% Discount
Register 2 Seats With 20% Discount
Register 3 or more Seats With 25% Discount
Step 1: Fill up the form below
Step 2: You will receive payment details on your email.
Step 3: Make the payment in our bank account & send us a receipt.