Law of Attraction University



These testimonials are randomly selected from our huge collection of several hundreds of them.
Just started listening to chapters one by one, It is greatly compiled. The examples coated seem to be simple but are very true that we see in day to day living. Thank you so much for helping me to connect to this universe of Abundance.Dr. Naaga Sathesh, Team Physio at Andhra Cricket Association, India
Thanks and i am really very greatfull to you for law of attraction university course, in fact since last 10 days i am deeply studying and trying to practice the course 24* 7. I found that in spite of having many qualities and qualifications why i was so financially broke.

After going through this course i am identifying my mistakes and trying to repair them. This course worth millions. In future i wish to attend you live workshops too. I am thankful to dr anila lal trainer for her beautiful voice and great deep guidance in this course. Thanks and salute to your vision and efforts to bring this course to us.Hridayesh Chouhan, Raipur
We Are Law of Attraction!

We Are Passionate About Law of Attraction!


We are India’s oldest and most respected law of attraction training company. We have been delivering live workshops and seminars across India for over a decade. After experimenting with this law for over a decade with more than 120 trainers worldwide, we have created this online law of attraction university.

What exactly is Law Of Attraction?

In simple words, it means, whatever you "Think" becomes a reality in your life. The law of attraction is a Law of Universe just like Law of Gravity and it is as powerful as any other universal law. To relate that in our own lives, we attract experiences and consequences in our life related to the thoughts in our Mind. Therefore, you can use this law to attract whatever you desire into your life.

Warning: We all unknowingly use Law Of Attraction to attract things that we do not want in our lives.

We want to train you the correct ways to attract whatever you Want in your life in detail, which is why we conduct a workshop so that you can immediately benefit from the use of Law of Attraction in your lives.

About Law of Attraction University

Welcome to Golden Inspiration’s Law of Attraction University. If you are looking to become an expert at the Law of Attraction and implement it in your life, you have come to the right place. This is one of the most powerful Law of Attraction courses available on the planet today.

This is not just a course but an online portal which includes: Powerful LOA Course + Continious Support From Our Experienced Team Of More Than 100 Trainers + Weekly Articles/Videos/Audios/Ebooks + Timely Updates. This is why we call it a University!

This training program has evolved over a decade in the form of our live workshops before we decided to convert it into this Online Universty home study course. The credit for this course goes to more than 100 Law of Attraction trainers from our trainers’ team at Golden Inspirations and the thousands of wonderful customers we have trained so far. All of these people have experimented with the Law of Attraction in their own lives and helped us evolve this training program.

We developed this powerful home study course because we realised that a lot of people could not attend our live workshops due to travelling and pricing constraints. Moreover, we feel that it is our responsibility to make this powerful training program available to everyone across the world. This was simply not possible with our live workshops. So we developed this digital training program for you.

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Topics Included In This Course ?

This course includes total 8.5 hours of high quality training videos & more articles, videos and ebooks are added every week. In short, it includes everything that you would ever need to make yourself an expert at Law of Attraction.

List of 36 chapters: (Scroll Below)

  1. What is law of attraction?
  2. Thoughts become things
  3. What you put your attention on grows stronger in life
  4. Like attracts like
  5. Law of attraction is always in action
  6. How to get rid of thought convictions and limiting beliefs
  7. Affirmations & our thoughts – breaking limiting beliefs using affirmations
  8. Physical Clearing for law of attraction
  9. 68 seconds of pure thought
  10. Emotional guidance system
  11. How our mind works?
  12. How our brain works?
  13. Qualities of alpha brain balance
  14. Thought process and thought energy
  15. Ask and its given
  16. Intuitions
  17. Special leaf exercise to improve intuitions
  18. Do we do drama?
  19. An attitude of gratitude
  20. Secret formula of success
  21. Past happy events – happiness visualisation exercise
  22. Ho’oponopono – a miracle formula
  23. Attitude of forgiveness
  24. Dr emoto’s water experiment
  25. Lets learn to love ourselves
  26. Attitude of giving
  27. Lets attract perfect relationships
  28. How to attract perfect health?
  29. Attract your dreams, desires, passions and goals?
  30. Vision board
  31. Allowing and receiving
  32. Our money blueprint
  33. How to change our money blueprint to attract more money?
  34. Money attraction tools
  35. Quantum physics introduction
  36. Chakra balancing meditation to speed-up your attractions
Remember: If you want to change the output in your life, you need to change your input. To learn something new, you need to take action now!

This course is all you need, to become an expert at Law Of Attraction

What's included in the package?

It will Cost You only: Rs 12,990/- Rs 6,990/-

For any questions regarding our pricing plans above, don't hesitate to Contact Us!