Save the Marriage System

Shiraz @ Golden InspirationsMarketplaceLeave a Comment

Whether you and your partner have suffered through affairs, bankruptcies, dishonesty, deception or mid-life crises, it is still possible to avoid divorce and transform your marriage into something fantastic. Say goodbye bickering and sleeping on the couch and prepare yourself to rediscover your soulmate. Take action now and create the marriage and relationship of your dreams.


Module 1: The ‘Top Five Things NOT To Do When Your Partner Wants Out’ Report

If your partner has told you that they want out, you must read this module!

This is the starting point in the process, so that you do not continue to do damage to your chances.

Your natural reactions during this critical stage of your marriage crisis are, usually, wrong.

This report will help you to avoid the top 5 mistakes that most people make in this situation.

Making the wrong decision during this stage could make things worse…much worse!

Module 2: Quick-Start Guide To Saving Your Marriage

I have taken my Stage Of Crisis Diagnosis and converted it into a very powerful module that will help you to establish EXACTLY which stage of crisis your marriage is currently in.

It will then prescribe a path to recovery based on that particular stage.

This report will make your efforts immediately effective!

This will be the next stop in your marriage recovery, so that you have a roadmap to use in your immediate actions.

Module 3: Save The Marriage Core Component

This is the core of the system. You will find section after section telling you the real secret of marriage, what gets in the way, and how to move your marriage toward what you want.

The results of my research, experiments and testing are here for you to discover. All you have to do is read, complete the exercises, and apply it to your marriage. The rest takes care of itself!

This is the third module because the first module gets you out of harm’s way, the second module gets you moving toward recover, then this module helps you understand why your marriage was failing and treats the root cause, not just the symptoms.

Module 4: Down-N-Dirty Guide To Saving Your Marriage

Ready to have a Step-By-Step Guide on rebuilding your marriage?  This is IT!  Learn exactly what steps I use when I am coaching my clients.

This method has worked time and again in helping people to restore their relationship.  One step at a time!  And I can teach it to you very quickly, especially when you already have the information provided above!

This  module will also teach you about the advice you need to avoid!  Let me give you some quick coaching to get you moving in the RIGHT direction to avoid more damage.

Anyone can follow this advice, and as long as your spouse allows at least a little communication, this will work!  I also include a bonus exercise that really gets things moving, once you have accomplished the reconnect.  And I’ll even tell you about separations, and what the results REALLY are with separations.

These four modules create the powerful Save The Marriage System. It is a complete path to recovering and saving your marriage, regardless of the situation now.

You can only get the modules as a unit, since each builds on the other, creating a synergy that will overcome difficulties you may be having.

The system is designed to change your understanding of marriage , and especially your understanding of the problems. Here’s why: if you just keep thinking about things the way you have, you will only stay where you have been — stuck and going down! Albert Einstein said “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Let me help you change your thinking and save your marriage!

And, For A VERY LIMITED Time, I Am Including These Bonuses:

Bonus 1: Coping With A MidLife Marriage Crisis

A MidLife Crisis can become a Marriage Crisis. In this audio, I cover the truth behind a mid-life crisis (it has nothing to do with the stereotypes), and how to avoid the pitfalls of a crisis.

If you are in the midst of a mid-life crisis yourself, you need to listen. If your spouse is in the midst of a mid-life crisis, you definitely need to listen!

The recording is in mp3 format, so you can listen on your computer, transfer it to an IPod, IPhone, or any other mp3 player. If your CD player will allow, you can even burn it to a CD and take it with you!

Bonus 2: Recovering From An Affair Audio

One of the most damaging events for a marriage is an affair. Yet, it is possible to not only recover from an affair, but actually strengthen your relationship because of an affair! But only if you understand the affair, and know how to recover from it.

This audio will tell you why it happened, how to deal with it, and even prevent it from ever happening again. If you have had an affair, you need to listen. If you are trying to recover from a spouse’s affair, you need to listen. And if you want to keep an affair from ever happening, you definitely need to listen!

The recording is in mp3 format, so you can listen on your computer, transfer it to an IPod, IPhone, or any other mp3 player. If your CD player will allow, you can even burn it to a CD and take it with you!

Bonus 3: 5 Rules For Fair Fighting Report

This report is designed to give you instant rules for making an argument fair. For each finger on your hand, there is a rule. They are easy to remember, clear, and concise.

But if you use them, I promise they will keep an argument from getting out-of-hand and destructive.

My System will give you some alternatives to arguing, but when you do find yourself in a conflict, these rules can literally save your relationship from the destruction of unfair fighting.

Bonus 4: A Very Special Bonus Ebook: Change Of Heart, by Paul and Jennifer Thibeault

This final bonus is a real gem! Paul and Jennifer were on the edge of divorce. . . and saved their marriage! They did it in front of a crowd! And they not only saved their marriage, but they became soulmates. I promise that you have the same potential that they had. They found a way to make it work.

After recovering, Paul and Jennifer wanted others to have the same opportunity of saving their own marriage. So, they wrote a book. It used to be for sale on their website for $39.95, but they did not have the time to keep up. Now, they have given me permission to offer it to you, as a bonus! You can’t get this anywhere else!

You will find yourself inspired, empowered, and given some tools that will help you save your marriage, just as they did!

Well, that’s the deal! You get the Save The Marriage System,  the bonus audios, a bonus set of rules for fair fighting, and a complete bonus ebook!  If I haven’t managed to convince you by now, it is time for me to give up! If this is not right for you, then please, move on. But, if you are really ready to take action, I can give you the tools you need! Please, take action and Save Your Marriage!

Your total (no hidden charges) investment in the future of your marriage is only $47.00!

Buy Now For $47


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