Dare to be different! This is exactly what Kiran Bedi did. She became the first woman IPS(Indian Police Service) officer of India, even when the police system was not a pleasant system to work with. She looked at Indian policing in a different way and brought some powerful and beautiful changes to Indian police system as well as society. She … Read More
Video 5: Brandon Sulser, Lets be grateful for what we have!
We all are blessed with so many miraclous gifts but we dont feel greatful enough for them. In-fact many of us dont even realise that we have these gifts. We are still able to live a healthy life, we can breathe, we can talk, hear, walk or even do things with our hands. Just imagine how would our life be … Read More
Video 4: Susan Boyle, I Dream A Dream!
Susan Boyle was a very simple woman from a small village of Britain. She appeared on the set of “Britains got talent” for the first time in April 2009. Because of her simple looks and get up everyone among the audience started under estimating her. And when she was asked about her dream, she said that she wanted to become … Read More
Video 3: Derek Redmond, Dont give up!
You are always a winner if you don’t give up…. This is a true story of an athlete(Derek Redmond) during an Olympic race. It teaches us, its not winning that is important, its the persistence. Its about how many times you stand back on your feet after falling down again and again. Its about how many times you dare to … Read More
Video 2: Steve Jobs Stanford University Commencement
Most of the times when life hits us hard, we forget to look at what all we can do. Steve Jobs is one of the greatest legends of all time. A guy who taught the world to think different! In this video Steve Jobs shares 3 inspiring stories of his life. He shares with us, how he followed his intuitions … Read More
Video 1: Nick Vujicic, Never Give Up!
Can you imagine yourself having a life without your two precious legs and arms and still be thankful for life? Can you think of a time when you wanted to hold someone’s hand and you did not have any hands? If you can’t then you must watch this video and see how bravely Nick Vujicis has taken over life with … Read More